In today’s oversaturated world, key messages and value propositions that drive a business can easily get lost. The trick to not blending in is to find creative, non-traditional ways to market your organization so that it will successfully stand out from the crowd and demand attention. While this may sound difficult, and it often is, it becomes much easier with a little creativity on your side. So how can you boost your marketing creativity? Here are three easy and actionable tips for you to boost creative thinking in order to help you generate your chart topping B2B marketing ideas.
Shake it Up
While your marketing team probably has some stand-by approaches to creating awareness and filling the pipeline with leads, there are most likely ways those approaches could be creatively improved. If leads are constantly subjected to the same old marketing tactics, it is only natural they begin to tune them out. It is because of this that it is important to change things up. Take what you are doing today and find ways to creatively improve them without completely abandoning the tried and true. Use a whiteboard to sketch out what you are doing today, what you have done in the past and what you have yet to try. Think back to those creative ideas you have heard/read about and brainstorm ways you can apply them to your industry and your current marketing mix. Make new connections, think outside of the box and keep note of all of your wild ideas.
If the ideas aren’t flowing, take a break and walk away. One of the greatest lessons I have learned when it comes to creativity is to shake up what you are doing. Sometimes it is best to abandon what you are working on, and move on to something else, grab some coffee, work on another project, etc. While you may not be consciously thinking about a creative solution to boost your marketing bottom line, your mind will continue to process what you have already started. Doing this will many times lead to that creative aha moment, so be sure that wherever you are, you are able to capture it.
Find Inspiration with Others
Working alone is rarely the best way to step up creativity. Your organization is most likely filled with a variety of personalities that can provide a new twist on current practices, or even new ideas all together. While brainstorming may be a normal part of your marketing planning, it is often beneficial to reach outside of your go-to brainstorming crew and expand your reach within the organization. Invite those roles that are not traditionally involved with marketing and put together a quick think tank to generate new ideas. Doing this will diversify your current thinking and help prevent marketing tactics from getting stale. While you may not come out with a perfectly polished idea, you will generally walk away with some great starting points to expand on.
Push the Limits
So you’ve had a brainstorming session and generated a heaping handful of great ideas. So now what? Where do you go from here? This is often a critical step in the creative process that is frequently overlooked. Don’t just take an idea and run. Instead, select a couple of the best ideas and think through the problem you are trying to solve or the goal you are trying to achieve. Start from the beginning and walk through the entire creative approach for each of the selected ideas. Even if one idea may be the clear leader when you are getting started, keep an open mind. Once flushed out, it may take a back seat to other ideas that just needed a little more thought behind them.
It is also important that you set some limitations when working through your ideas in the early stages. Many believe that placing constraints on creative thinking will force more creativity and help people think differently.
While these three tips can help boost creativity in your current B2B marketing, your environment can also play an important role. There are a few simple fixes that can be implemented in your office to enable more creative thinking. For example, lighting, sound, colors and mood can play a big part in the creative energy. You just need a few triggers to help boost creative thinking, so if you are feeling uninspired, don’t hesitate to setup shop in a different space.
Looking for creative ways to boost your marketing results? Contact Launch Marketing today.
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